The sketching in Alcains went very well. It was yet another occasion to share-and-enjoy a common passion for drawing in open air in good company. And what is more, it was accompanied by excellent regional food and folklore music. There were nearly 30 of us: members of our Blog, architecture students from my course of drawing, and other sketchers who simply answered our call by coming from as far as Covilha, Castelo Branco, Coimbra and Lisboa. We started with a warm-up drawing of picturesque cityscapes for which Alcains, being an ancient town remembering the times when Moors had lived here, was a perfect object for study. We finished on a lighter (and tastier) note by catching glimpses of the Festa dos Queijos, to be more precise, of 'cheesescapes' for which splashes of vine and coffee were also used at times... :) Warmest and grateful thanks to the Alcains Municipality and to the Presidente da Assembleia de Freguesia, Senhor Carlos Mingacho, for inviting us, to Alexandra Belo for her inspiration and help, and to all the participants for their contribution in this fantastic event.

Rua dos Fontainhas
the Arab part of the city
sketch just with brush
6 comentários:
Fab drawings Jacek! The cheeses were soo tasty!
Fantastic experience in Alcains.
Nice drawings! I like the one from de Arab part of the city...
Thank you Joao and Victor.
I like yours of the same spot.
Amazing drawings and watercolors as usual! It was a great and inspiring day. Thank you professor.
Bonito! Eu que adoro queijo, acho que estes devem ser deliciosos!
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